Break: A break in the relationship

Break; what are the types? Interruption and decoding of this concept. The article will discuss the reasons and rules of conduct for the announced decision of the couple. This information is accompanied by suggestions for actions during the end of an affair. A break in… Read More

Delayed life syndrome

Delayed life syndrome; what are the variants? Definition and Meaning of Delayed Life Syndrome. The main characteristics of this condition and the types of its diagnostic criteria. General tips for fixing the problem, as well as effective coping strategies. The variant of delayed life syndrome… Read More

LPG massage: What are the benefits?

LPG massage; what are the benefits? What is LPG massage, and how does it affect the body, contraindications, and possible harm?  LPG massage (endermology) is a procedure to smooth scars after trauma. However, cosmetologists noticed that massage sessions positively affect the skin, reducing fat substances,… Read More