Hormones; what are you know? Learn what hormones are and how to manage them properly to maximize muscle and strength gains. In general, every action we take causes a hormonal response in the body. These substances control all body actions, and athletes must know how to manage their hormones. Remember that hormones are particular substances synthesized by the endocrine system. Once in the bloodstream, they are transported to the target tissue, interacting with specific receptors. To achieve high performance in sports, athletes must know the basic principles of this powerful substance.
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What changes occur in muscle tissue under the influence of hormones?
The most crucial change in muscle tissue is an increase in contractile protein compounds, myosin, and actin. Of course, constant change is not limited to this. For example, the process of non-contractile protein compounds, often called satellite cells, is activated. As a result, they become part of the muscular apparatus.
This mechanism is activated through strength training. Suppose you understand the principles of slowing down the process of destruction of the muscle protein structure and accelerating the reaction of its creation. In that case, you can achieve positive results in sports. This process is maximally influenced by testosterone, somatotropin, insulin, and insulin-like growth factors.
You should also know about catabolic hormones, primarily cortisol. The more active muscle fibers are stimulated by physical activity, the stronger the hypertrophy process. Also, hormonal substances can affect the fiber structure of muscle tissue.
There is a “lock and key” theory in the scientific world, according to which each hormonal substance can interact with a specific type of receptor. Receptors play a crucial role, and hormones are the key to it. The cell receives a particular signal to act when the lock is opened.
The nucleus of all cells contains genetic material that can recognize messages sent by hormones. As a result, anabolic or catabolic reactions are activated. When cells reach the maximum level of their ability to adapt, cells no longer respond to signals from the endocrine system.
What types of hormones are there?
To understand how to manage hormones, you must understand the types of these substances. Nothing is complicated here because only two are polypeptide and steroid hormone substances. They produce different effects on muscle tissue fibers. Sex glands and adrenal glands synthesize steroid-type hormones. When the hormone substance dissolves in the muscle cell layer (sarcolemma), it begins to act on the receptor. As a result, the cell is activated. After the penetration of the hormone into the cell nucleus, the specially coded elements for synthesizing protein compounds are opened.
All hormone receptor complexes can only determine specific regulatory mechanisms in genes. Once this happens, messenger RNA molecules are processed and sent to the sarcoplasm, where they are converted into protein compounds. Polypeptide hormones are made up of amine chains. This group of hormonal substances includes growth hormones and insulin. Because they cannot dissolve in fat, they cannot penetrate the sarcolemma. For the transmission of information by cells, they have to use excipients.
Strength training and hormones
The question of how to manage your hormones mainly attracts the attention of representatives of the discipline of strength sports. As we said above, weight training can cause severe changes in muscle tissue. This hormone is what drives muscle growth and performance. Under the influence of intense physical exercise, endocrine glands synthesize hormonal substances.
They are designed to transmit information and, as a result, cause specific reactions in the body. It is important to remember that the type and duration of the movement performed dramatically determines the kind of hormone synthesized and, as a result, the body’s response. The increase in hormone concentration after strength training significantly differs from the reaction stimulated by resistance training.
Due to the movements’ specificity, training with weight involves specific motor units, which remain inactive while performing other exercises. It is because the motor unit has a high sensitivity threshold and responds to training only after a particular effort is made, which can only be developed using weights.
Once the motor unit is triggered, the muscle fibers located in it are also activated. It leads to the fact that the sarcolemma of the cell is under severe stress. As a result, the permeability index of the muscle fiber membrane changes, and nutrients penetrate the cells. Also, everything described above affects the synthesis process and indicators of receptor sensitivity. Dark Spot Diminisher review
During and after training, the body synthesizes many hormonal substances. It suppresses catabolic reactions and accelerates the synthesis of contractile protein compounds. Suppose physical activity turns out to be too high. In that case, the opposite process occurs in muscle tissue, and cell destruction will begin.
As the athlete progresses, the rate of contractile protein synthesis fades in terms of muscle growth. In this situation, the primary purpose of strength training is to suppress catabolic hormone activity. It’s also worth remembering that hormones only affect the muscles you work in class. For this reason, it is necessary to do alternate exercises. Only the muscle fibers that are stimulated can be changed. When the athlete performs the same movement in each activity, fiber growth will not be optimal because the same fibers are involved in the work as last. It is enough to change the angle of the load, and the situation will change.
The response of muscle tissue to hormonal substances depends on several factors. When the hormone concentration in the blood is high, the possibility that it will interact with the receptor increases. All cells have a genetic potential determined for their development. The closer this level is, the weaker the receptor for hormonal substances. It is essential to give your body enough time to recover. Suppose you use an illiterately planned training program. In that case, there is a high probability of getting the opposite result – the catabolic process is activated. It should be remembered that various factors affect the operation of muscle fiber hypertrophy. Let’s talk about the growth of force parameters. Here, the influence of not only hormonal substances is very significant.
Testosterone hormone and muscle growth
You should know all the main hormonal substances to know how to manage your hormones. You must understand that a high concentration in the blood of one or another hormone does not mean that the appropriate reaction will be triggered in the cells. At the same time, the possibility of interaction of hormone molecules with receptors is higher. For muscles to increase in volume, achieving a higher concentration of anabolic hormones is necessary compared to catabolic hormones.
This hormone is known not only to athletes but also to ordinary people. This substance is often associated with many crimes, heart muscle problems, and strokes. Also, everyone knows that testosterone helps gain muscle mass.
Testosterone has an indirect effect on the synthesis of protein compounds and somatotropin. An increase in the concentration of growth hormone leads to an acceleration of the synthesis of insulin-like factors. Male hormones act on the central nervous system. It is an essential property of hormones because, as a result, the concentration of neurotransmitters and the number of nerve-muscle connections increases. All this has a positive effect on the rate of the hypertrophy process. In addition, we have noted the nervous system’s role in increasing force parameters.
After synthesizing the hormone, globulins (transport protein compounds) transport testosterone molecules into the tissues. After interacting with the receptor, the message is activated and sent to the muscle fiber’s core. You must remember that the process of synthesizing protein compounds is the result of a whole chain of events.
Several methods can increase the concentration of hormones in the blood:
- The lesson will last about an hour.
- Various approaches are taken.
- Basic training is used.
- The rest period between sets is one minute at maximum.
- Heavyweight is 80-90 percent of the maximum.
Those who frequent the gym may have heard the expression about the need to do squats or deadlifts to gain mass. It happens in practice because these basic exercises allow you to achieve the body’s maximum hormonal response. If you only use the simulator in training, there will be no significant progress.
Almost all research on this hormone has been done in men. However, the substance is also found in the female body. However, the testosterone concentration in women is about ten times lower than that of the more vigorous sex. It has not been proven that physical activity leads to an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the female body. It shows that girls don’t need to be afraid of strength training. With its help, you can get rid of fat quickly and tighten the muscles, which positively affects the body’s appearance. That’s all information on how to manage your hormones.