Creative Ways to Keep Your Family Warm this Christmas

winter warming

Keeping your family happy over Christmas is not always an easy task- especially if it is cold! Between the Christmas holidays coming up and the bills soaring, you might find it difficult to keep everyone snug and happy.

That being said, there are some fun and creative ways that you and your family can enjoy time together while relishing in some heat, and this piece is going to show you a few ways in how you can do that.

Read on to find out more

Get Camping… Inside


If you and your family love the outdoor lifestyle but want to stay snug in your home, then popping up a tent or creating a duvet fort in your home can be a great experience that will keep you as snug as a bug with some fun novelty thrown in. Tents are an excellent way to keep body heat in and flowing around a small space, and you also will not be too far away from your toilet either – win-win!

You will need plenty of duvets, pillows, and some of your favorite films. Do not forget a flask of hot chocolate, either!

Get Fit Together


It is common knowledge that exercise is one of the fastest ways to warm yourself up, but unless it is fun, you are more than likely going to struggle to get your family out the door.

If you want to get that fresh air in, then taking a family walk together can be a simple and low-cost way to get everyone’s blood pumping. Also, the more muscle mass you retain, the warmer you can stay.

That being said, if you are not a “great outdoors” kind of group, then why not opt for an indoor disco? Popping on your favorite tunes and dancing around the house is an excellent way to get fit, stay warm, and have fun with your family.

Invest in Fun Blankets


Blankets are an essential tool for staying warm as they help us trap layers of heat, keeping us toasty!

Investing in new, fun blankets can add that extra special element for your family while you all cozy up for a movie or game night.

If you have a bunch of old t-shirts lying around, then make yourself a t-shirt quilt, perfect for a family blanket full of memories that you will all love to use in the evening.

Make Warm Drinks and Comfort Food


There is nothing like a hot cup of coffee or a hot chocolate to warm the insides, but there are so many different choices out there for a warm drink that you might be spoilt for choice.

Try heating up different cordials, mixing flavors, trying herbal teas, or making your own mix for a winter warmer you cannot refuse.

For dinner, try to stay away from cold options and go for home-cooked comfort foods such as lasagna, hot pot, or casserole, which can keep you feeling satiated and snug for hours and are great for little ones to join in on making.

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