Health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes, being happy and generally feeling well. What causes one well-being does not necessarily cause another well-being. Although we feel best when we are in good health, we can still enjoy well-being even if we struggle with some problems. Well-being is also related to experiencing that we can cope with the challenges of our daily lives and balance the different roles we go through. Roles such as being an employee, being a spouse, being a parent, being a child of an adult parent, being a friend, and so on could be counted on for a long time.
Although it is disputed whether money is related to happiness or not, the fact remains that if we are in a difficult situation to make ends meet, it can cause significant distress.; You can get financial assistance from all banks and Debtors’ Ombudsman, who assists anyone who finds themselves in debt or payment difficulties. Uncertainty is often the worst, and the first step to working on financial worries is to realize the situation and explore what options are available. Health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes, the best options in your life.
Sleep is essential for nourishment and rest for the body. Too little sleep can cause general discomfort, fatigue, and stress and affect concentration, memory, and reasoning. Much has been written about the importance of sleep about stress, and mental well-being, but insomnia can also affect our immune system and almost all other bodily functions.
Why are so many people so tired in the morning that they have difficulty waking up? What has changed in recent years and decades that disrupts our sleep habits? Neurophysiologist Matthew Walker mentions some things that have changed in his book “Why we sleep” (2017). He says that we have the most accessible access to exciting entertainment in various forms throughout the night. We have electric lighting and LED lights, even temperatures around the clock, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes and sometimes drink too much caffeine during the day or alcohol at night.
Few have been aware of the importance of sleep to maintain good mental and physical health. People have even considered 8 hours of sleep to be a waste of time or a sign of weakness. Famous individuals have been mentioned who are said to have slept only 4-5 hours a day. Fortunately, this attitude is changing with increasing coverage based on high-quality research. People have found that there are many reasons we sleep and that sleep benefits our body’s systems.
Good sleep has various effects on the brain’s functioning,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes and all stages of sleep have their role to play. The effects of sleep on memory are pronounced and have been extensively studied. Sleep helps us learn and make logical decisions. Our mental health will generally be better if we sleep well, we are fresher, more willing to take on the day’s tasks, and are more creative. Most of us know that it often pays to “sleep on” problems to make them easier to solve.
Sleep helps the immune system fight infections and deal with various illnesses. It has a positive effect on metabolism, tempers appetite, and helps maintain healthy intestinal flora. It helps control blood pressure and promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. In short, we improve the quality of life and prolong life with good sleep.
Exercise, sleep, and diet well-being are known to be important for our health, but Walker believes that sleep is the most important of the three. Losing sleep one night has a much more significant mental and physical effect on the body than fasting or not moving for one day.
Some interesting points health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes about sleep that Walker mentions:
. We eat more when we sleep worse due to hormonal changes. If people try to lose weight but do not get enough sleep, they gain most muscle mass, not fat, so that the results will be minimal.
. We, humans, are the only species that deliberately refuses to sleep.
. Unfortunately, research shows that it is difficult to make up for lost sleep, such as short sleep during the workweek, by sleeping longer on weekends.
. About 40% of individuals want to wake up early and go to bed early (A), 30% go to bed late and want to wake up later (B), and 30% are in between. Most people in society focus on the morning roosters, so the B-people often burn the candle at both ends, wake up afterward but have to go to school/work before getting enough sleep.
. Coffee works well to reduce drowsiness, as many people know. Caffeine inhibits adenosine activity in the brain, but it accumulates during waking hours and makes us tired. The half-life of one cup of coffee is 5-7 hours. As a rule, but it is individual how fast the liver cleans caffeine from the body.
. Two-thirds of adults in developed countries do not get the recommended 8 hours of sleep becase they are mantain and belive health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
. It is not dangerous or harmful to sleep long.
The circadian cycle changes in adolescents, and they do not become drowsy until much later after the younger siblings have fallen asleep and usually the parents. This change in the circadian cycle is seldom met by the great understanding of parents or schools, and adolescents often get too little sleep. Walker says that it is similarly absurd to suggest to a teenager to go to bed at 22 and tell the parents to go to bed at 19 or 20.
It is often claimed that middle-aged and older people need less sleep than younger people, but this is not substantiated, says Walker. Older people, however, usually sleep less than they would like and need. It wakes up more often at night, sometimes due to illnesses and medications taken or due to more frequent toilet trips. Deep sleep decreases with age, but it is essential for learning and memory. It is related to the areas of the brain that only degenerate as we age. The amount of the sleep hormone melatonin and the intensity of the circadian cycle also decrease over time.
Walker argues that various health-related problems that older people struggle with can be caused by insomnia. Unfortunately, this is not often mentioned in medical visits, and few people associate deteriorating health with more inadequate sleep despite a known causal link between them.
Learning and skills, health and wellbeing experiences, and outcomes
Most of us know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep before taking an exam. Sleep helps us memorize information, and sometimes we even manage to recall topics that we thought we had forgotten. Few people know that good sleep for the test reading it, and other studies also have a lot to say and refresh our ability to memorize information. Sleep also plays a role in forgetting outdated material, making it easier for us to recall the information we need.
Walker discusses exciting research on the effects of sleep on people’s fitness. Getting enough sleep seems to help people improve their fitness while they sleep. He became interested in researching this when a pianist announced that he had finally mastered a difficult chapter in his work after a good night’s sleep. He managed to improve and reach the most challenging level by sleeping.
To think about:
The two most common causes of chronic insomnia are anxiety and anxiety. The speed and abundance of information characterize our lives, and often the only time we “turn off” the flood of information and think inward is when we go to bed at night. It is not surprising, then, that we sometimes have difficulty falling asleep. We are thinking about what we did that day, what we forgot, and what needs to be done the next day – apart from everything else possible.
Good sleeping habits
The rule at bedtime: It is essential to go to bed at a similar time and wake up at a similar time. Also, on holidays and weekends;
Avoid the afternoon nap: Let’s help the body clock set itself correctly and not take a nap in the afternoon. For example, those who do not sleep well at night need to be careful not to fall into the familiar pit of falling on the television at night.
Calmness on the eve of sleep: The eve of sleep must be calm and always similar. Everyone needs to find the best practices. Excessive light stimuli such as a computer and television are not suitable shortly before bedtime.
Sleepy environment: The bedroom needs to be reasonably dark, reasonably relaxed, and the bed comfortable. Noise or other disturbances from the environment must be controlled. Television, computers, or handiwork in the bedroom are not conducive to improving sleep, and it is good that the clock is not prominent in the bedroom. The bed is for sleeping and sex only.
Let’s excel if we can’t sleep:
- Avoid a lot of light.
- Keep the environment calm.
- Lay a cable.
- Solve a crossword puzzle or something else that distracts the mind and go back to bed when we fall asleep.
Let’s learn relaxation: A variety of relaxation can help us fall asleep at night and fall asleep again if we wake up at night. Stress hormones can quickly interfere with our ability to fall asleep if we overcome the irritability of insomnia.
Regular exercise during the day: Daily exercise improves the quality of sleep and promotes overall health. Exercise counteracts the effects of stress on the central nervous system. However, significant conflicts shortly before bedtime are not sleep-inducing.
Avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages: Caffeine is a stimulant that takes a long time to break down. Therefore, those prone to caffeine-induced sleep disturbance must take care not to ingest it late in the day or even after 2 pm the day.
Alcohol and smoking interfere with sleep: Alcohol is an anesthetic; so many people find it relaxing when they use alcohol and think it can help them fall asleep. However, the breakdown of alcohol causes stress in the body and interferes with sleep. The overall effect is therefore sleep-disturbing, and its use should be avoided. Quitting smoking interferes with sleep.
Regular meals: Let’s get enough sleep and avoid heavy meals before bed. A light meal before bed can help you fall asleep.
The blue light has its dark side.
Electric lighting can interfere with our body clock, and the effects of blue light are the worst, but screens and newer bulbs emit a lot of such light. The light is helpful to us during the day and helps with concentration, increases the speed of reaction, and relieves mood, but it seems to disturb us quite a lot at night. Light can affect sleep and possibly our health. Before the electric lights, most people watched the daylight hours at sunset and used light sources sparingly at night. Now we can turn on a light when it suits us, watch TV late at night and then happily take our phone to bed. We can hardly fall asleep before we turn off the devices and often have great difficulty falling asleep with our minds full of news, posts, music, and videos.
A Harvard study showed a difference in sleep among participants depending on whether they read a book on a computer ( light) or in print before bed. They read a book on screen five nights in a row and print for the same number of days. When they used the computer, they were less likely to fall asleep and fall asleep later than reading the book. They released less melatonin in the first case, delayed the time clock, and reduced REM sleep. They felt sleepier in the morning, and it took them many hours to wake up as they read the book, despite sleeping as long. In this study, participants were reading a book. The lights were turned off at a specific time, so it is easy to conclude that the difference would have been exaggerated if they had been in a traditional cybercrime and without a time limit.
There has been a lot of talk about the blue light in recent years the importance of sleep for health. Many people are beginning to realize that it is not a good idea to take your phone or other screens to bed, and many things happen; the light that interferes with the time clock, the material that we look at and can hurt us, and the time that is lost when the internet is on the one hand. We could make better use of it by sleeping longer. Turning on a message adds stimuli that could wake us up.
But what can you do? It is best not to look at bright screens 2-3 hours before bedtime. If it is difficult to limit screen use before bed, it is easy and natural to choose to reduce the brightness of screens and filter out blue light where possible, but newer smartphones offer this option. If we choose to read an e-book for sleep instead, print edition pays not to have an informed screen. It is also a good idea to set a time limit because we feel less sleepy when we look at a screen and forget it.
Table of Contents
Increased rest can improve performance.
Rest is an essential part of being able to work well and sensibly you remember, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes research shows that rest can help us think, create and increase productivity. Even at rest, when we are not directly concentrating on tasks, the brain is still active and looking for new information. We have no control over these involuntary processes, but we can encourage them and make them work for us by resting more health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
Get into the routine first thing in the morning.
Many creative and productive individuals start the day early and take on the most difficult tasks only when their creative energy is at its peak. They also get into the routine, so they do not waste energy inventing the bike every day. We often think of routine as the opposite of creation, but research shows that routine can enhance creative thinking.
To walk
Walking can be a simple way to facilitate creative thinking. It is not only a gym (which increases blood flow to the brain) and helps the brain maintain a light concentration that encourages the mind to move, facilitating creative thinking. University students and researchers studied the effects of walking on creative thinking and found health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes that those who walked in research situations performed better in the tasks assigned to them than those who sat still. And these positive effects did not evaporate immediately but continued into the following experiment. He says that walking can facilitate work-related tasks, especially when walking while the problems are fresh in my memory.
To nap
Do creative work over a long period or in a demanding environment. A short nap can make it easier for you to recover and improve performance and increase creativity. Scientists who specialize in sleep have found that an afternoon nap can allow people to recharge their batteries. The obvious benefit is increased alertness and reduced fatigue, and a short nap (about 20 minutes) increases the ability to concentrate. Researchers and colleagues conducted a study where participants were divided into three groups, and puzzles were presented. One group did not go to bed after the puzzles, but the other two went to bed on the same day (varying lengths). Everyone was then tested again that evening. Those who had gone to bed did as well considerably better in the morning but who had not taken a nap worse. When the groups were then tested the next day again (after a night’s sleep), those who had gone to bed the day before did better. This may indicate that naps increase the positive effects of sleep.
To quit on time
Many of us believe that continuing to work long hours and without breaks is the best way to increase productivity, but research suggests otherwise. Long working days can lead to stress, poor performance and kill originality and creativity. An effective way to end a workday is to stop at the right time when you see the following steps but decide to wait until the next day. Alex quotes writer Ernest Hemingway, who was known for permanently quitting when he knew what would happen next. Stopping when you have little energy left makes it easier for you to get back on track the next day. It also seems to activate the subconscious to deal with issues in the meantime.
In one study,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes participants were given tasks for two minutes, after which they had to deal with mathematical puzzles for five minutes. Half of the participants were told that the previous puzzles would be repeated after the math problems, but the others were not told about the repetition. Both groups got better results after the math, which seemed to give the brain a change from previous tasks, but those who were told that they would be tested again did better in the second round. This suggests that Alex says that intentionally leaving tasks unfinished pushes the mind to keep thinking about them without being aware of it. This method evens out fluctuations in creative work, stimulates creative thinking, and provides protection against stress.
Sleep is, of course, the perfect form of rest and an essential part of a creative and productive life.
When we sleep, the body goes into maintenance and repair mode, repairs or replaces damaged cells, and the brain releases toxins, processes the day’s experiences, and sometimes works on problems we have been preoccupied with during waking hours.
Think of weekends as holidays
There was some difference in what the groups did. Those who were supposed to consider the weekend as holiday homework and less work stayed longer in bed and ate a little more. This difference in activity was not to increase the pleasure, but to look at the days of vacation seemed to have changed the mentality of conceiving people were more aware and took better as occurred over the weekend. Try to weekend time spent for your health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
But why is the way of thinking so influential? Research shows that by slowing down and focusing more on the environment and the people around us, we enjoy better what we do each time. If we can focus on what is happening in the present instead of constantly thinking about the past or letting anxiety take its toll on us, we can become more sensitive to the good around us. It helps us to enjoy the experiences and life a little better.
Although we cannot take a weekend off due to various responsibilities, it is still possible to take some time off to enjoy what is happening here and now and be there as we would during the summer holidays.
This holiday mentality can be used elsewhere, for example, in the household chores, on the way home from work, or in workouts – break the routine, slow down, notice the environment, and have more fun.
Holmes points out that it is good to save this thought and use it only when we need it; these are interventions in everyday life that cannot become routine – the effect of health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes diminishes with overuse.
How about experimenting next weekend and putting you in holiday poses? We know that it comes with excitement and anticipation to go on vacation, and often people are doing something different than they are used to doing.
Healthy and varied food is essential for health and well-being. The Office of the Medical Director of Health encourages you to prioritize diversity and choose primarily foods rich in nutrients from nature, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish, cod liver oil, lean meat, and and wellbeing experiences and outcomes
The balance between nutrients is essential,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes and it will be best ensured with a varied and healthy diet. Dietary supplements are usually unnecessary; some people need to take cod liver oil or another vitamin D source specifically as a dietary supplement.
The article reads as follows:
A nutritionist, each study in the last two decades has shown that too little vitamin D from their diet and that the concentration of vitamin D in the blood of those who do not take fish oil or other dietary supplements is well below the limit. It is especially noticeable in winter when the sun is low in the air and vitamin D cannot be formed in the skin.
A study from 2016 showed that individuals with musculoskeletal symptoms, including some with diagnosed fibromyalgia, experienced less pain following vitamin D administration.
Could it be that “simple” causes of symptoms such as depression and widespread pain such as vitamin D deficiency, iron deficiency, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) have had to give way to other diagnoses of depression and fibromyalgia?
Regular exercise is essential for mental and physical health and well-being. Exercise is crucial for combating many diseases, but it also provides strength to cope with daily tasks and promotes better sleep and rest. Exercise is known to be a powerful weapon against stress.
Adults must limit sitting and exercise by exercise recommendations. The main recommendation is that adults exercise moderately complex or challenging for at least 30 minutes daily. The total time can be divided into shorter periods during the day.
Various information on exercise; can be found on the Office of the Medical Director of Health website, including the booklet Recommendations on exercise.
The exercise card is a treatment for diseases or symptoms of diseases that regular exercise can be known to have a significant effect on. You can ask about the Exercise Card at the Health Centers.
Exercise and lifestyle
Many people are familiar with trying to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle but fail to establish it. A study was conducted in 2009 to examine what factors were important in making exercise a lifestyle. When looking at which individuals exercised the most in daily life, they enjoyed the exercise and found it fun. Those who exercised the least were those who exercised primarily to improve their quality of life and improve their health.
This tells us that if exercise is “solely” practiced to improve quality of life and improve health, we are less likely to maintain it. But if we enjoy exercise and it gives us joy and well-being, we are much more likely to be able to do it in the long run. It is essential to focus on finding an activity that we enjoy, and then the chances increase that we will be able to keep regular exercise health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes in our lifestyle .
Realistic goals in motion
Most of us know what exercise does for us, physically and no less mentally. Most people probably agree that few things top the feeling after a good workout, and then more often than not, we start to ask ourselves why we do not do this more often.
It is common for us to put too much pressure on ourselves, both in terms of how many times a week we want to exercise and the length of time we think the exercise should take.
Phrases we say to ourselves are often like this:
. “This is not an exercise unless it is 60 minutes.”
. “It does not take to go out and run or walk 3 km.”
. “I did not sweat enough.”
. “I have such a lightweight that it does not take it.”
. “Walking is not considered exercise”
. “Cycling a very short distance to work is not considered exercise”
All sorts of phrases like this tend to slow us down and cause us to end up letting go of the exercise instead of taking the “short” or “light” exercise.
Many people undoubtedly feel that life is often “tricky” and that we are unable to cope with the exercise we had planned. The people we see practicing on social media and comparing ourselves to being the ones who have the job and the rest do not understand why we cannot be as diligent as them.
Individuals who have even exercised regularly and had it high on their priority list also feel how difficult it is to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. From this point of view, it is very understandable that those individuals who have not exercised much over the years or have not found an exercise that they find fun find it much more challenging to take time to exercise.
To increase the likelihood of regular exercise, the exercise must be accessible and manageable. If you have to drive a long distance, arrange a fit, or have too much to get to practice, then it is much less likely that it will become a reality.
It is also good to keep in mind that an exercise does not have to be 60 minutes; an exercise that takes 10-15 minutes is also considered an exercise.
If you are struggling to get exercise into your routine, it is essential to have a very manageable and straightforward goal at first and preferably so that it does not take long to let go.
For example, a 10-15 minute workout might be the goal to start with.
The musculoskeletal system
The musculoskeletal system is the system of the body that allows us to stand up and move. In other words, the musculoskeletal system consists primarily of bones, joints, and skeletal muscles. When we experience symptoms from joints or muscles, we talk about musculoskeletal pain. Musculoskeletal pain is joint and is often caused by incorrect exercise or overload. If we want to avoid musculoskeletal pain, it is important to consider regular exercise that increases both endurance and strength. It is ideal to exercise outdoors and enjoy each season separately, and as someone said, there is no such thing as bad weather -health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes we just dress as appropriate each time.
No doubt we have all heard of myositis and even experienced having stiff muscles after sitting at a computer, for example. Such problems are most common in the neck and shoulders or the back of the body. However, the term “myositis” is a misnomer because it is not muscle inflammation.
A Physiotherapists explain what happens well in an article published in October 2017 or, as it is said, “that the muscle is more tense than reasonable and therefore the blood flow will be less. The tense muscle thus narrows the blood vessels of the muscle. Under these conditions, he does not get enough nutrition and oxygen, which needs even more nutrition in this constant tension. The waste products from the muscle do not all getaway as they should and accumulate in it. These substances make the muscle tissue even stiffer, and thus a vicious circle is formed “.
But why did the muscles tense up? Of course, this can happen if, for example, we get used to working on a computer without thinking about having enough support. Under the arms so that the shoulder muscles can relax; Or if we are constantly bending our heads either at computer work or on a mobile phone, a lot of tension can be created in the back of the neck muscles. Stress can also cause muscle tension to develop health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes
The best advice for tense muscles is to take a good look at our habits and exercise and do regular exercise that triggers blood flow, and then it is also essential to keep in mind to do light exercises during working hours. If the muscle tension is starting to cause a lot of pain that we cannot handle, it is advisable to look for a physiotherapist who can give good advice.
Back pain
Back pain is widespread, and most people experience it at some point in their lives. Fortunately, most back pain attacks pass, and we will be just as well again, but it is good to look into our bosoms and consider physical activity and sitting position. Those in sedentary work need to be especially careful to get up regularly and exercise, and it is best if it is possible to do the work part of the day.
Lifestyle has a significant impact on back health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes and regular exercise, ideal weight, and non-smoking reduce the risk of back pain.
On this page, you can see additional material related to back pain and proper exercise.
Musculoskeletal pain
Musculoskeletal problems are mainly characterized by pain and often persistent pain, limited mobility, and reduced ability to work and participate in social events. The most common musculoskeletal problems are osteoarthritis, neck and back pain, fractures, injuries, and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.
Musculoskeletal pain symptoms depend on whether the pain is due to injury or stress-related factors and whether it is long-lasting or new. Pain and the experience of pain can also vary from person to person.
Common symptoms of musculoskeletal pain are:
. Local or widespread pain that may worsen with movement
. Pain or stiffness in the body
. Fatigue
. Sleep problems
. Muscle twitching
. Decreased power and numbness
. Burning sensation in the muscles
Stress-related musculoskeletal pain
Stress-related musculoskeletal pain may be due to the person’s physique, poor posture and exercise, overload, and inactivity.
When stress-related musculoskeletal pain occurs, it is essential to consider whether posture, exercise, or repetitive exercise in daily life may be at the root of the problem. For example, it could be bad posture and computer work.
An example of this could be a lousy desktop situation:
It is essential to adjust the desk, chairs, and computer screens so that there is as little stress on the musculoskeletal system as possible.
. Get up every half hour.
. Stand and sit alternately at your desk. It is good to aim to sit for 20-30 minutes and then stand for 20-30 minutes.
. Have a mouse and keyboard close to your body.
It could also be lousy posture and application to physically strenuous work:
In work where heavy objects have to be lifted a lot, it is essential to keep the objects close to you and that the hips and shoulders turn in the same direction and move in rhythm.
Since there are many repetitive movements, it is essential to maintain a good position and equal pressure in both directions if possible.
It is no less important to consider your posture when cooking, doing household chores, in the supermarket, and lifting or holding children. Acquiring good posture and exercise requires patience to begin with, and it is good to get a family member or co-worker to remind you.
Exercise and stress-related musculoskeletal pain
Regular exercise can be preventative as well as reduce the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. Strength and endurance training results in increased capacity of muscles, tendons, and bones, making the musculoskeletal system better able to cope with the physical strain that comes with daily life. The better the musculoskeletal system can cope with stress, the less likely it is that stress-related musculoskeletal pain will occur.
However, it is expected that when individuals begin to move after a period of inactivity, pain occurs, either increased pain or pain that the person has not experienced before. However, this does not necessarily mean that the exercise itself is the leading cause of increased or new pain. Still, it is possible that posture, exercise, and some repetitive exercise in daily life are the problem. With increased stress, such as starting to move, the pain may increase or increase. . It is essential to start slowly when you start exercising, exercise correctly and competently in daily life, and allow your body to adapt little by little.
Advice when experiencing stress-related musculoskeletal pain:
. Light exercise (leisurely walk/bike ride/swim).
. Temporarily reduce the stress that could be causing the pain.
. Consider good posture and exercise.
. Release stiff tissue with a massage ball or massage roller.
. Seek professional help.
Tips for preventing stress-related musculoskeletal pain:
. Do regular strength and endurance training.
. Consider good posture and exercise in work and daily life.
. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a night helps to reduce inflammation.
Protecting yourself too much can hinder recovery.
Back pain is one of the most common causes of absence from work. When back pain is essential, it is essential to keep in mind that exercise and increased activity are more likely to accelerate recovery. Spacious and low activity is similarly more likely to slow recovery.
The mystery of back pain
When people sprain their ankles, the pain is worst but then slowly decreases as the injury subsides. Back pain behaves differently.
About 80% of adults experience at least one back pain in their lifetime. The other 20% never experience back pain. However, this does not seem to be because the spine looks better when examined in asymptomatic ones. After all, research shows how much wear and tear and degeneration of the spine are asymptomatic and experience horrible pain.
Another exciting thing is that back problem are most common between the ages of thirty and fifty. Back pain decreases later in life, although joint wear and tear and degeneration of cartilage tendons continue to develop with age. The most logical thing would be for the pain to increase with age, but this does not seem to be the case. When problems arise in the back, a large part of the pain experience seems to be related to how the nervous system processes and adapts to pain messages. Exercise and exercise have been shown to help the nervous system adapt a great deal,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes thus accelerating recovery.
Understanding the pain experience
Tear fractures and cracks in the cartilage between the vertebrae are a natural part of aging and as natural as wrinkles around the eyes.
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, back pain rarely starts when a weighty object is being lifted or under an abnormally high load. In only 5% of cases, do the first symptoms of cartilage rupture occur when lifting heavy objects? These symptoms usually occur with simple things, such as when people lean forward to reach for light objects or even when sneezing.
The causes of back pain are usually related to age-related wear and tear in the spine, and there is
no evidence that “protecting oneself” slows down the joints’ wear and tear or the degeneration of cartilage between the vertebrae.
Individuals’ pain experience varies greatly, and pain after back pain can range from a few days to many months. Some people experience extreme pain reactions while others are at the other end of the spectrum and tolerate the pain much better. Heredity seems to play a vital role in this, and research shows that back pain is more prevalent in some families.
Methods to reduce back pain:
. Do not go to bed. Although it is tempting to be in bed when people have bad back pain, it can make the situation worse over time. As soon as you trust yourself, it is better to be active. Exercise can reduce muscle tension and reduce stiffness. Roughly, however, pain can increase as the protective tension in the pain area increases. Also, it can slightly increase the risk of depression and blood clots in the legs.
. Treat the pain. Hot or cold baking and painkillers will not cure the problem, but they can help make the pain bearable and help you get moving. Talk to your doctor to make sure the medicines you are taking are the right ones and safe.
. Get stronger. Although it is not recommended to go to the gym total in the middle of a pain attack, light exercises can help get through the pain. Between pain attacks, it is essential to build muscle strength and work with stability to reduce the likelihood of recurring back problems.
. Seek out a physiotherapist. They are musculoskeletal specialists and can help you reduce pain and teach you proper exercises.
Treatment of back pain
At the end of his article, the specialist doctor has a significant change in advice for people with back problems in recent years. Advising to stop exercising and exercise caution has led to too many people being caught in a vicious circle of pain. Therefore, people with back pain are now increasingly encouraged to exercise as soon as they feel confident.
Exercise seems to be the factor that most helps the nervous system to reduce pain responses. Animal studies show that when the spine is injured, pain decreases much faster in the groups of animals sent to move compared to the groups that move less. The same goes for people. Those who start exercising earlier, whether they are exercising or taking part in daily activities such as cleaning the house, do better than those who protect themselves.
People with pain should not stop living life and wait for the pain to go away. Instead, try your best to maintain effectiveness. Physiotherapists can play a crucial role in gradually increasing activity safely, thereby reducing the nervous system’s pain sensitivity and speeding up the return of people to their daily routine,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes
Exercise control and pain
Chronic stress symptoms and recurrent injuries are more often than not the result of repeated strain on a specific musculoskeletal system area over a long period. In the case of such symptoms and injuries, it is essential to get a thorough examination. Based on this, the problem is mapped out, and a rehabilitation plan is set up that aims to strengthen, facilitate and work on the aspects needed to eradicate the problem.
The review seeks to answer the following questions, among others:
. How is the motor control (are the right muscles doing the right job)?
. Do you need strength in specific muscles?
. Can’t activate specific muscles?
. Is a muscle too short or too long?
When an individual is examined in terms of movement management, work is done to identify movement errors that can cause chronic stress symptoms and repeated injuries. For example, there will be too much strain on the adjacent muscles in the case of a lack of stability in the stabilizing muscles, which more often than not leads to compensatory movements. Motion control tests are used to screen for replacement movements that may be causing the problem. It is reported how these movement errors affect symptoms and function. The goal is to understand the cause of the problem and the factors that contribute to it. It is also essential that the person understands the problem and is given a solution to solve the problem in the long run, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes
The body uses compensatory movements when the joint’s strength or flexibility is not sufficient to move through a full range of motion or if there is some restriction around the joint. When a person has done many repetitions of the same compensatory movement, it often does not end up as pain or injury. It is common for injuries to occur in the weakest link in the movement chain.
It is important to train those muscles that are inactive or not as active as they should be. With motion control tests, you can see where the limitation of movement is and the reason for this limitation. Lack of strength or flexibility may be the cause and stiffness in a particular area.
Appropriate strength training is the form of treatment that research shows are most important in the long-term treatment of musculoskeletal pain. Treatments such as massage, acupuncture, and joint relief can temporarily reduce pain, but similar pain is likely to recur without proper strength training and education. Actions should, in most cases, be the last resort.
Normal wear and tear in the spine
The results of a 2015 study of 3110 painless individuals showed that a high percentage of them had spinal wear, cartilage bulging, or cartilage rupture without experiencing pain. This percentage increases with age.
. The prevalence of slits in the spine from 37% to around twenty and up to 96% in people around eighty;
. The prevalence of spine Bifida ranged from 30% in individuals in their twenties to 84% in their eighties.
. The prevalence of cartilage rupture ranged from 29% in individuals in their twenties and up to 43% in individuals in their eighties.
This is normal wear and tear in the spine that occurs with age and starts immediately around the age of twenty. If there is irritation of the nerves or the like due to wear, cartilage bulging, or cartilage rupture, it can cause pain.
The starting point is that with age, these are regular changes in the spine, and even though imaging shows cartilage bulging, cartilage rupture, or wear and tear in the spine, it does not have to explain the experienced pain. What could explain the pain, for example, would be reduced muscle strength, flexibility, or a combination of both? In the article protecting yourself too much can hinder recovery; you can read about some methods to reduce back pain.
Root symptoms from the musculoskeletal system
If the same or similar physical problem occurs regularly, it may indicate that something needs to be looked at more closely, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. Then it is essential to work on finding the root of the problem.
To get to the root of the problem, it is essential to ask yourself:
. What happened?
. Why did it happen?
. What can I do to reduce and get rid of these symptoms and prevent them from recurring?
The root of the problem can often be traced to several factors that could be:
. Physical factors;
. There may be a pain in the lower back or elsewhere.
. The individual;
. There may be recurring movement errors in the individual due to a lack of strength or flexibility around joints.
. Environment;
. Could be inadequate work facilities, repetitive movements, and stress-related to work or daily life;
Poor posture can lead to a lack of muscle strength around joints that, more often than not, can cause overload on specific muscles and then pain during exercise. Pain can occur during activities such as bending, lifting weights, or with increased load. Still, the activity itself is not necessarily the cause of the pain but lacks strength or flexibility.
It is possible to counteract this or reduce symptoms with remedies that can be seen in the article’s musculoskeletal pain, and protecting yourself too much can prevent recovery.
If a problem is recurring or has been going on for a long time, it is essential to seek professional help and get to the root of the problem.
What can be done first after an injury?
Whether it is an injury or a symptom of stress, pain-free flexion, strengthening, and endurance exercises are recommended for the first few days. It is, among other things, to increase blood flow to tissues and help repair and repair damaged tissue. Ignoring the pain and continuing with exercises or activities that cause pain can make the recovery process longer and more complex. Resting entirely and not exercising at all can also make the recovery process longer and more complex. The golden mean is the best way to get there.
Adequate exercise in the early stages of rehabilitation is an integral part of the recovery process. It is worth mentioning that moderate movement for sudden pain in the lower back is considerably more effective than if you go to bed. The same applies to individuals who get a neck jerk; exercising properly has shown considerably better results than having a neck collar and resting the entire area, although it is undoubtedly essential to rest well in between.
It can be challenging to come to terms with injuries and reduce stress, whether it is sports or daily life, but as has been stated, it is essential for the recovery process. It is also ideal to use the time to focus on strengthening oneself in other areas.
As a result, the workload must be increased steadily, often with a maximum 10% increase per week if successful. The recovery process’s duration varies from case to problem, depending on how long a particular pain or injury has been present.
These recommendations do not apply to head injuries or fractures but to injuries such as sprains and strain symptoms.
Training and stress hormones
While training with a lot of energy and enthusiasm can be ideal for improving physical health, it is essential to keep in mind that such training may not always be the best option if there is a lot of stress at work and in private life. The research results indicate that training with moderate or high intensity causes an increase in cortisol levels, while calmer training seems to decrease the level.
Asteroid hormone regulates essential processes in the body, such as metabolism and the immune response; It also plays health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes a vital role in helping the body respond to stress. Stress causes increased production of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, blood sugar rises, respiration speeds up, and muscle tension increases. This is the body’s way of preparing for a possible emergency, and all the senses are fully activated. Increased hormone production also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and reduces irritation and pain. Cortisol causes the breakdown of protein and fat to produce glucose. When the threat has passed, the hormonal economy is usually balanced. This process can save lives.
When an individual is under constant stress, this reaction does not always go out as it should. Too much cortisol over a long period can have serious consequences. Everyone has elevated cortisol from time to time. It is part of the body’s normal response to threats or dangerous situations. Still, prolonged elevations can have long-term health effects, from heart disease and obesity to anxiety and depression.
Cortisol levels change during the day but are generally higher when we wake up and then fall as the day progresses. This is called a daily cycle, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomesThe pattern is the opposite in people who work at night.
Exercising vigorously and enthusiastically increases cortisol levels immediately in the short term due to the stress effects the training has on the body, but then returns to typical the following night. While high-intensity training can be ideal for weight loss and for building muscle mass, it is also known that high levels of cortisol can cause the body to retain fat in the body and prevent muscle building.
Physical training is a short-term stressor in terms of increasing cortisol levels, but these factors, among others, determine it:
. Enthusiasm during training
. Duration of training
. Experience of training
. Time of day
Because cortisol is a breakdown hormone (it breaks down tissues), its high levels can lead to muscle tissue breakdown in the long run. This can hurt muscle building and training performance.
Suppose the hormonal system is in good balance and an individual exercises hard 2-3 times a week. In that case, there will be an increase in cortisol following the training, returning at night and not having a long-lasting effect. An individual will experience well-being, increased concentration, and being energetic following the training. If, on the other hand, he experiences anxiety or some kind of imbalance in the hormonal system and engages in difficult training most days of the week, the amount can remain high, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.This can lead to extreme fatigue, increased appetite, difficulty losing or maintaining weight, and digestive problems.
With increasing cortisol levels, blood glucose levels increase and inhibit insulin release. If the blood glucose level is chronically elevated, there is a greater risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disorders. A long-term increase can make the person more susceptible to infections. This is one reason why a person is more likely to catch a cold in the case of chronic stress.
It is essential to be aware of the following symptoms which may be indicative of chronic high cortisol:
. High blood pressure
. Osteoporosis
. Weight gain
. Decomposition of tissues and muscles
. Skin changes (bruising and purple wear)
. Muscle weakness
. Suppression of growth and sex hormone levels
. Annoyance
. Increased thirst and frequency of toilet trips
Sleep is essential to help keep cortisol levels regular; it is essential that the sleep quality is high and that the person gets enough sleep. It is preferable to consider exercise that helps adjust the amount if the person feels a lot of stress. For example, some people believe that yoga or other leisurely exercises are too light to promote weight loss. Still, it has been shown that regular yoga can lower cortisol levels, which can help achieve physical health goals. It may also be a good idea to include low-intensity exercises between high-intensity exercises to maintain optimal levels and, consequently, maximize training performance.
10 things you need to know about your back
Research on back pain is constantly shedding new light on what has been said before. The UK Association of Physiotherapists has compiled 10 tips on dealing with back pain and reducing the risk of recurrence. The Association of Physiotherapists in Iceland translated and localized:
. Your back is more vital than you think. Back pain is widespread. They are rarely dangerous but can be inhibitory and cause concern. According to research, in 98% of cases, people recover relatively quickly, and many without treatment.
. Imaging is rarely necessary and can do more harm than good. Seeing perfectly normal spine changes can scare people away from activities that promote recoveries such as exercise and physical activity in daily life.
. Avoid overcrowding, keep working, and gradually regain regular activity. At the beginning of the back pain period, it is possible to relieve pain by avoiding certain activities. Scientific research shows that prolonged rest and immobility of people with low back pain lead to increased pain, impaired skills, slower recovery, and more extended absence from work.
. Do not be afraid to bend or lift. It is often claimed that activities such as bending and lifting objects are the cause of back pain. Although injuries can occur when unusually lifting something, it is most likely an overload or sprain.
. Exercise and activity reduce and prevent back pain. Exercise is beneficial in dealing with back pain and is also the most effective way to prevent recurrent pain. Start slowly and build up the amount and intensity of exercise. Do not worry about causing any damage.
. Painkillers will not speed up your recovery. There is no substantial evidence for the usefulness of painkillers, and they do not accelerate recovery.
. Surgery is rarely necessary. In the long run, back surgery results are, on average, no better than other remedies such as exercise therapies. Therefore, a treatment that includes exercise and activity should always be the first choice.
. Get a good night’s sleep. In recent years, the importance of sleep has become more apparent in people with back pain. Better sleep leads to less stress and increased well-being. This has the effect of reducing the sensitivity to pain stimuli and making it easier for you to deal with them.
. You can have back pain without tissue damage or injury. Many things can cause back pain, and more often than not, it is the interplay of physical, mental, and social factors and health and lifestyle.
. If you do not recover, seek help and do not worry. If back pain persists after 6-8 weeks, consult your GP or physiotherapist. Physiotherapists provide specialized advice, guidance, and treatment for back pain. The purpose is to reduce the risk of recurring pain and at the same time improve your health and well-being.
Physical stress symptoms in teleworking
Many people now work from home, and few have as good work facilities there as at work. Also, there is increased stress in the environment. These two can make us more exposed to physical stress symptoms and increase the likelihood of old or new problems developing.
Therefore,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. it is essential to pay as much attention to the work environment at home as possible to minimize the likelihood of physical stress symptoms and as a remedy if stress symptoms occur.
It is essential to avoid working on a sofa or bed, and it is better to sit at a desk or kitchen table.
Things to keep in mind when sitting:
. Try to avoid crossing your legs and having your foot firmly on the floor or footstool.
. Sit well on the buttocks and even have to pull the buttocks back a bit to get it.
. Activate the abdomen to prevent the lower back from looking into the fat; you can also have a pillow at the lower back to support it.
. Open your chest and think that it’s like a mockery of the vortex to not lose your head in the front position of the computer screen.
. However, it is essential to relax in the above positions, which is more important than being able to maintain the “perfect” position.
. It is recommended to stand up every 30 minutes. Then it is an excellent rule to permanently correct the situation when sitting down at the computer again.
. It is also good to have a massage ball to grab in case of discomfort, and then you can lean against the wall and place the ball on sore points and keep a light pressure there for 20-30 sec.
. Adjust the chair and computer so that when the person is looking straight ahead, there is a direct line of sight to the upper edge of the computer screen, elbows, and hips in a slightly greater than 90 ° bend to minimize strain on the shoulders and hips / lower back.
. Do preventative exercises for your problem area if you know or have any.
It is important to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, but it is even more important to exercise daily in times like these. exercise helps reduce stress and increase well-being. Nevertheless, it is good to keep in mind that high-intensity exercise, when there is stress, can increase the stress even more, so it is recommended to choose a low-intensity or medium-intensity Exercise.
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for an antique item
On the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s website, you can find good advice for improving work facilities and physical activity at work.
To rest after the clock
Planned rest for chronic pain
It is not uncommon for individuals with chronic pain to fall into a vicious cycle of work, pain, and rest, which means that they perform well on good days and have little or no energy on bad days. The vicious circle can lead to an increase in bad days at the expense of the good ones, as it can be challenging to maintain good activity on bad days.
Organized Rest or Time-Based Pacing is an effective method of managing chronic pain mantin, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. But why organized rest;
Planned rest:
. It is used to balance activity and rest
. May reduce the severity and duration of pain.
. It involves taking a break before the pain flares up
. Can reduce the irritability and frustration that accompanies pain
. May reduce the risk of drug abuse.
But many are reluctant to rest. After a bad pain, the individual does not feel he can afford to slow down, the lost time has to be made up, and everything on the “to do” list is taken with a trump card, leading to even worse pain. This vicious circle can be broken with organized rest.
If the duration is used as an indicator of pain, not well-being, it is easier to maintain equal energy and activity throughout the day. When this is done, it takes less time to recover from a lousy job, which means that you can start work sooner,health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes and your productivity will be higher.
This is known to athletes who take regular drinking breaks on the sidelines to maximize results. Coaches know that if players are kept in the game until their energy runs out, they cannot perform at their best. The same is true of those who are struggling with chronic pain.
The first step in organized rest is to find out the essential criteria for activity, i.e., how much can be produced before the pain flares up. Before starting, you need to look at what causes pain, what could cause pain, and what time is available before the pain worsens.
. How long can I do ________ before pain flares up?
. I can ________ for ____ minutes, but afterward, I’ll be wrong.
. Most likely, I can handle ____ minutes without the symptoms getting worse.
. The time available is just a few minutes shorter.
In addition to the essential criteria for activity, it is also necessary to find a suitable rest period to prevent pain before activity resumes. Activity time and rest are used as a basis for realistic activity. It must be borne in mind that different activities require different planning.
Based on the activity-rest period, it is possible to set realistic goals for the day, week, or month, but care must be taken to spread the load evenly over the day, day by day.
Plans are often inaccurate at the beginning, which can lead to pain flaring up. If the pain flares up, the activity needs to be halved for a few days and then slowly increased again. After a setback, the primary criterion needs to be changed.
To be successful, it is necessary to stick to the activity-rest plan even if the pain is minor and you feel good and do not do more than is planned in the plan.
With an improving condition, it is possible to expand the activity-rest program and increase the activity. The result is a long run, not a sprint, and that requires patience and perseverance.
Keeping a daily record to keep track of results and evaluate progress and rewards is a good option when success is achieved.
Here you will find a worksheet for activity and rest.
Mental fatigue
Mental exhaustion is often a cumulative problem rather than a reaction to what went wrong or upset we experienced. It comes from too many decisions we have to make, constant disruptions, and too many tasks in a short period. High demands are often made on us, and attention is directed in too many directions. In short, too much is going on without us having time to take a break and recover health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
The more tired we are spiritual, the harder it is to meet daily demands. It becomes more challenging to make the right decisions, focus on tasks and stay calm. It can also be challenging to control their emotions. In the long run, mental fatigue can cause many problems, but once we understand the causes of fatigue, we can take steps toward better well-being and health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
What can be the symptoms of mental fatigue?
. Physical fatigue: You are tired and would rather sit in a chair and relax after work than go out for a run, despite having possibly sat most of the day.
. Impatience and irritability: The thread is shorter than usual, also towards others.
. Difficulty concentrating: It will be more challenging to complete the tasks, make decisions, find the right words or focus on one thing at a time.
Reducing mental fatigue
How can we cope with challenging days without giving up? Here are some tips:
Make fewer decisions. We face countless decisions daily that reduce our spiritual energy and self-control. Then we are more likely to make unhealthy decisions and choose the simplest, such as lying on the couch rather than exercising or buying fast food instead of cooking a healthy meal. One way is to reduce the number of decisions that need to be made during the day, such as always having the same food on a particular day of the week and deciding the day’s clothes well in advance. By having as much routine as possible in your daily life, there may be something left in the tank when you get home from work.
See “green”. Look out the window at green nature if you can, or walk out to the green area for lunch.
Australian study among students showed that the group who watched the grass grow roof in 40 seconds made significantly fewer errors and had a better concentration in the resolution project and another group that looked at the concrete roof at the same time. Dr. Kate Lee, who led the study, says that it is essential to take micro-breaks and that many do so without thinking when we feel stressed or mentally tired. There is a reason we look out the window and look to nature; it can help concentrate and maintain productivity throughout the working day.
Get up and walk: Several studies have shown the value of exercise to increase concentration and focus. Exercises for 20 minutes can improve performance, and short, intense exercises can increase blood flow to the brain and improve your mood, memory, and creativity.
Take a vacation: Whether it is a short break or a week off, free time is necessary to counteract mental fatigue. Even if you do not get home from work, always take a lunch break or take a quarter of an hour break without planning anything, going for a short walk, or doing breathing exercises. Set aside time in each workweek where nothing is planned, do not fill in every single day in the calendar.
A psychologist and specialist write an exciting article on Anxietyanxiety in the yearbook 2020. She says that Anxietyanxiety is a common feeling that everyone is familiar with, and not least those who suffer from poor health hinder full participation in the labor market. But what is the difference between Anxiety and Anxiety disorder? The difference is not only in the intensity of the symptoms but also in the circumstances. Sometimes it can be perfectly normal to feel a pounding heartbeat and feel like you have been punched in the stomach.
The psychologist describes the physical symptoms of Anxietyanxiety that come from the flight-or-fight response. People usually do not worry about the symptoms when they experience a tense situation, but when the reaction starts without an immediate explanation, the physical reaction often evokes tremendous fear. “People think it’s even a heart attack, suffocation, a miscarriage, or something similar.”
She says that fear of anxiety symptoms increases Anxietyanxiety and can make it more inhibiting, and people are more likely to avoid situations that cause Anxietyanxiety.
“There are three types of behavior that perpetuate Anxietyanxiety: avoidance, flight, and security behavior. Avoidance is when we avoid tense situations, escape is when we get out of a situation because they cause Anxietyanxiety, and safety behaviors are various behaviors that are meant to increase the safety of the anxious person but make the person continue to believe because circumstances are more dangerous than they are. “
Specialist says that anxiety disorder is when the Anxietyanxiety is excessive given the circumstances and has begun to cause significant discomfort and disruption in people’s lives. A vicious circle of thought and behavior has formed. Still, the object of thought is usually in the sense that circumstances are considered more dangerous than they are or disbelief in coping with circumstances. She cites the example of dog phobia, social phobia, and health anxiety and says that frightening situations affect what people pay attention to. An anxious person looks at what might be dangerous.
She also talks about generalized anxiety disorder, which is “when people are overly concerned about everything. The main reason behind these excessive worries is to endure bad uncertainty, and then worries are a way to reduce it. By trying to anticipate and prepare for the various possibilities, people with generalized anxiety disorder temporarily reduce the uncertainty and thus the Anxietyanxiety. But there is a lot of mental strain and stress that comes with constant worry.” People with a generalized anxiety disorder may have difficulty solving problems; they are afraid of making the wrong decisions that can make the problems more extensive and more numerous. It also begins to prepare for problems that may arise, many of which never exist without the people’s minds.
“Those who live with chronic stress and strain begin to experience increased Anxietyanxiety. This happens when the demands of life go beyond what we can handle. When chronic stress begins to take its toll, it also reduces the ability to cope with tasks and problems, increasing stress and Anxietyanxiety. Lack of energy and depression are also often seen. That is why it is essential to seek professionals’ help to find ways to break such a vicious circle. “
The psychologist talks about diagnostic and cognitive behavioral therapy (HAM), an evidence-based treatment for anxiety disorders. She also talks about Anxietyanxiety and returning to work. The article concludes: “AnxietyAnxiety is not the enemy, but when it comes to controlling our lives and preventing us from enjoying our abilities, we need to stop and get to know our Anxietyanxiety better. Anxiety is part of a defensive response that evolved to keep us alive and not dangerous, even if uncomfortable. But Anxietyanxiety can get out of hand and turn into an overprotective dictator. It’s good to listen to him, but you do not have to listen to him. Sometimes you have to show him that this is okay and he will calm down next time. “
Stopping recurring thoughts (confusion)
The psychologist Dr. Lauren advises on how to prevent obsessive-compulsive disorder in an article. He asks if the reader is constantly reviewing or thinking about negative situations. Such repetitions or ruminations can act like a broken record – the mind constantly looks at what went wrong when things did not work out. Even when things are going well, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes, we tend to focus on the one negative thing that day.
It can help look at past experiences when we are looking for solutions and working our way through difficulties, but a lot of confusion takes this to the next level. We do not get new insights with repetitive thoughts, and they often amplify negative emotions. Instead of looking at the big picture, we focus only on what is not going well. This confusion can keep us awake into the night by overestimating the situation.
Here are some tips that Dr. Lauren mentions.
Define the fear: What are you most afraid of? Are you worried about losing your job or being mistreated by your colleagues? Keeping a diary can be an excellent way to get rid of the underlying fear.
What is the worst thing that could happen? We are resilient and can often cope with the worst that can happen, but that reduces the sting of what we were initially worried about. Sometimes, it pays to imagine the worst and knows we can deal with it – everything else is a much easier subject and needless to think about. Sometimes difficulties can also open new doors, even though we did not realize it right away.
Give away what you cannot control: Ask “what can I change,” and if the answer is that you cannot change or manage the situation for the better, give the project away.
Think of mistakes as a learning opportunity: Instead of criticizing yourself when you make a mistake, consider the mistake as a valuable experience that will benefit you in the future. Every time you make a mistake, you learn something new.
Set aside a particular time for worry: Take 20-30 minutes a day to worry and make the most of that time. In this way, you define the time and place to think about things and can use the time for something else outside of it.
Present consciousness: We spend so much time thinking about past mistakes or worrying about future events that we have little time to enjoy the journey. Present consciousness reduces the number of thoughts and focuses attention on perceptions here and now – sight, hearing, smell, and taste. It can help us experience what is happening at any given time and enjoy the critical moments in life.
Movement: Try going for a walk. By changing the environment, we can disrupt repetitive thoughts and look at things from a new perspective.
Check out the treatment. If repetitive thoughts are interfering with your daily life, consider seeking the help of a professional.
You can see more discussion about confusion in the article. Do you have the work on your brain? And in an article on the importance of being able to disconnect after work;
Cumulative stress
What is your way of getting rid of accumulated stress? The following ideas are always good to take advantage of, especially when stress has accumulated in the body for some time.
. Exercise is one of our most essential tools for reducing stress. It may seem paradoxical, but stress on the body reduces mental stress. Exercise reduces long-term stress hormones and helps to release endorphins that relieve mood and reduce pain. It also improves the quality of sleep and increases self-confidence.
. Adequate sleep is always essential, not least when we feel stressed. Most people have tried this; problems that seem overwhelming at night seem easier to solve after a good night’s sleep.
. Go out into nature and try to forget everything else for a while.
. Take as much as you can in one minute. Walk fast or run, tense all your muscles, punch in the air, or do something else that takes a lot of effort. This helps the body to “process” the stress accumulated, and you feel much better afterward.
. Take a deep breath for two minutes. This has an immediate effect on the body as there is a close connection between breathing and stress.
. Charge as much as you possibly can for a few minutes. Watch comics online or share with friends something funny from the past. Laughter can help release endorphins that can reduce stress.
. Let yourself cry. Everyone seems to feel better after crying for a while. The good expansion helps to achieve deep breathing as a result.
. It might help to scream. It is tough to do because others need to be taken into account, but it would be possible to scream into a pillow and avoid horror movie screams. Another less problematic option is to sing in full force in the car.
. Get kisses. Positive contact and intimacy can help release oxytocin and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Blood pressure drops, and heart rate calms down.
. Listen to soothing music that you appreciate. Soothing music and natural sounds can have a relaxing effect on the body.
. Try to dance vigorously to a good song. The dance has a positive effect in many ways, and so makes the music. If you feel a lot of stress at work, it is ideal for rushing to the toilet and taking a few steps.
. Taking a shower or bath is a promising and straightforward way to reset, “disrupt” anxious thoughts, and reduce stress. Try to forget everything else and enjoy.
. Lie on your back and place your feet on the wall for 10 minutes. This position increases blood flow to the upper body.
. Massage can help with stress symptoms. Why not reward yourself with massage time, ask for a massage from your partner or massage yourself.
. Place hot baking over neck and shoulders for 10 minutes and close eyes. Try to relax your face, neck, and shoulders.
. Think inward for a moment and feel how your body feels. This is an excellent counterbalance to your reaction to stressful situations and calms your mind. See discussion of present consciousness.
. Talk to someone about stress. It may be a relief for you to discuss matters, and you will undoubtedly receive sound advice, help, and comfort.
. Research has shown that chewing gum is associated with a reduction in stress and a more positive mood. Unusual advice may be appropriate when other methods are not available; It is good to keep in mind that impermeable yapping can be a distraction for others, and chewing gum is considered a healthy food.
. Do not worry about what you cannot change and touch little or nothing. One way is to try to break from social media and follow the news a little less if it worries you.
. You cannot do everything or control everything, try to let go. It cannot be easy but at the same time a great relief.
If you have a pet, enjoy interacting with it as much as you possibly can. It can help reduce stress and relieve mood swings.
Having animals gives us purpose, encourages activity, and keeps us company, but all of these factors help reduce Anxietyanxiety and stress.
Do not forget that the animals enjoy your attention to a great extent, as you are the center of their lives.
Studies have shown that when people take care of their dogs, for example, by talking to them, patting, scratching, and making eye contact, the hormone oxytocin level increases in both. The levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease in humans but increase in dogs. Researchers believe that can be a sign of positive excitement in the animal and expectation that something fun is going on now, such as going for a walk or playing.
The destroyer of leisure
By making the most of our free time, we can forget about work for a while and reduce the risk of chronic stress. But often, when we are trying to relax, we receive messages, announcements, and reminders of things we may or may not be doing. Let’s say we have an hour off after dinner; maybe we read the emails, answer a few emails, look at social media announcements, go over and take reminders to look at a particular issue, or make a phone call. Each of these minor incidents takes only a few seconds. Still, they divide the time into numerous individual pieces, and suddenly the hour is blown away by the long-awaited weather and nothing better after the break. This fragmentation of time into short, unexciting moments has been called the ravages of times. Time confetti) and can ruin our free time without us noticing.
We also have a hard time enjoying our free time when we are doing many things at once, such as reading a good book and writing an SMS simultaneously or playing with a child and composing an email along the way. We do not enjoy them.
To gain control, we must make a conscious effort to avoid distractions in our free time, focus on one thing at a time, and re-evaluate what is important to us.
To complete the duties and enjoy your free time.
An article discusses that everyday tasks and revolutions take away our time and spiritual energy. This management of daily life varies but can seem overwhelming and endless in sections. It is challenging to follow others’ footsteps in this respect because the projects are mostly invisible. The author of the article points out that it is possible to gather such projects together and carry them out vigorously for a pre-determined time to enjoy our free time better.
In recent years, several Australian universities have been helping their students compress one morning, day, or week assignments to clear their minds, learn to prioritize, and find focus so that they can enjoy their free time without remorse. This methodology is abbreviated GYLIO (Get your life in order) and is not limited to housework, but also pays bills, writes notes, takes a car for repairs, makes an appointment with a doctor, meets a family, and goes to the gym down there – in virtually everything that is on the to-do list and has been sitting on the chin.
A former student in one of the schools has adopted this ideology in daily life and describes that it collects projects on the second weekend morning and reduces mental strain. She says she looks forward to doing tasks such as cleaning, washing, cooking, banking, going out for a run, and getting her life back on track – and then having time to enjoy life without feeling like an unfinished business is waiting.
Sophia Leroy at the University of Washington talks about attention residues when we have too many tasks and responsibilities in mind, so we cannot do as well as we could otherwise. We do not manage to concentrate fully because part of the attention is occupied with other things. We do not listen as well; we bend over for a bit of reason, make mistakes, and have difficulty making decisions and processing information.
While we cannot prevent all the disruptions in life, it can help take a few minutes to make a roster and set a time to do the work. It’s one way to improve concentration, reduce uncertainty and increase our capacity, says Leroy.
The list of rushes must, however, be realistic and not too long. If there are 22 projects on the list and we do not work on them, we will constantly think about these 22 things we did not manage to accomplish.
The art of doing nothing
In this country and elsewhere, inactivity has been considered a disadvantage, and having a lot to do is a sign of diligence and success. We seem to find it too easy to fill our days with tasks, and some have almost forgotten how to behave when we do “nothing” and get bored. Have you tried it recently?
Technology plays a role in this, as we often take advantage of free time on the phone, which is a significant change from what was before. The problem is that the phone is not a neutral device that helps us relax; on the contrary, it can significantly affect our mood and well-being. The feeling is also often that we are busy when we are on the phone as if the time we spend on it is work or obligation.
One of the professors says that doing nothing and getting bored can be invaluable for creativity and ingenuity. In modern society, we are little or nothing to think about, but on the contrary, we are in danger of drowning in information. According to the balance between action and inaction has become significantly distorted. Doing nothing is a great way to create a state of mind that develops our imagination and can be the best thing we do for our mental health.
We can harness the creativity within us by striking a balance between activity and solitude, noise and stillness. The secret of creative people may be that they have learned early on not to have too much to do.
Being busy can be a poor excuse for an unhealthy lifestyle, says the professor, because we are not always doing something good for ourselves. Busyness can be as addictive as drugs. We need calm to thrive on body and soul.
It may therefore be an idea to take time off each day to be inactive. You can also take a short break when all the wind is blowing from you at work. It can be pretty uncomfortable to do nothing, to begin with, but it gets into the habit.
It is not enough that we are busy when we are at work, it is expected that it is crazy to do during the holidays. Do not imply that you are idle if you succeed. If you are asked what you were doing during the holidays, say outright that you have not done anything creative.
Examples of inactivity for those who have forgotten:
. Sit in a chair and get a stare.
. Sit on a bench and do nothing special.
. Have daydreams.
. Lie down on the bed and stare up at the sky.
Many interesting articles can be found about the benefits of doing nothing from time to time, including here and here.
The empty nest syndrome
Empty nest syndrome is not a clinical diagnosis, but it is most often used to describe grief and loss that parents may experience when the last child is moved away from home. This is a period of transition where people are changing roles in life. Although parents want their children to be independent, they may experience sadness, pain, and emotional turmoil, lack of control, depression, and loneliness when leaving the nest. Emptiness and the feeling of no longer having a purpose can be heavy. And sometimes there are concerns about the safety and well-being of young people in the new environment. The feeling of emptiness can surprise people.
Women generally seem to feel this way more than men, primarily if they have worked at home and cared for the child a lot. Often, a lot is going on in their lives at similar times – the onset of menopause, parental illness/loss, and possible marital failure.
Of course, it is very individual how people react, and situations can differ between families. Sometimes the children only move to the next house or have taken the step in stages – then the change will be much smaller. In general, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes it seems easier for both parties to accept the transition if the relationship has been good, as there is a chance of a continued good relationship.
The articles mentioned below give some advice against emptiness in these circumstances. It benefits both parties to stay inactive contact and talk on the phone or meet regularly. It is a good idea to look for friends or acquaintances that have found themselves in the same situation and take good care of them. It is also helpful to consider the positive side of the empty nest, but the change often results in more free time, and in some ways, life becomes simpler. Coordinating work and leisure is often better. Couples can be strengthened, friends can care for better, previous or new hobbies can be taken up, and retraining or career development can be considered. Sometimes it is possible to change the home or change housing.
It is good to remember that this is a normal feeling, and it will fade over time when parents have become accustomed to the house being quieter and can focus more on their concerns.
Hobbies – stress protection?
We know that it is essential to take time to do something for pure pleasure and joy. Here on the site, we have discussed how positive it is to pursue hobbies when we need to disconnect from work or stressful situations. Hobbies can help us build perseverance and experience flow so that we forget the place and the moment. A good hobby often has a positive effect on other parts of life; it helps us find purpose, reduces stress, and fends off negative thoughts.
Here are some examples of hobbies that could relieve our stress good fell health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
Photography: Whether you want to practice taking better photos of family and friends or delve deeper into artistic photography, photography is a great hobby. You could go and see the world in a different and more beautiful light through the camera.
Gardening: Gardening can reduce stress in many ways. You are moving outside away from stressors and beautifying the environment along the way. See more about gardening here.
To knit: Many people enjoy knitting beautiful garments for their use or as gifts, but knitting can also expand tension and help us relax.
To draw or paint: Activate your artistic talents by drawing or painting pictures. By doing so, you express emotions, make a difference, and reduce stress. The result can also be beautiful and personal.
To puzzle: Immersing yourself in a puzzle makes you divert your mind from what causes stress and trains your brain along the way. You can catch the flow in a jigsaw puzzle and forget about it for a while. After a good while, you are more likely to be able to cope with the tasks of the day.
Creating a scrapbook: It’s creative to create a scrapbook and combine many hobbies into one product; photography, creative writing, documentation, drawings, and crafts. The result is often a beautiful and informative source for us and our descendants.
To write: Many people write for pleasure, whether they keep a diary or write novels and poems, for example. It often has a positive effect, reduces stress, and can sometimes release complex thoughts.
Playing the piano: Music can have a positive effect on our health and reduce stress; Listening to music is a hobby in itself, but playing a musical instrument is even more potent for relieving stress because it requires perfect concentration and can at the same time become a platform for creative expression; –
Ornamental fish farming: It has a good effect on people to look at a well-maintained aquarium. It requires regular work but allows choosing types, plants, and accessories and getting to know others with the same interests.
These are just a few examples, and many others come to mind, such as cooking, crossword puzzles / Sudoku, language learning, historiography, collecting, board games, carving, art-making, and fly fishing. More ideas can be found here and here.
The most important thing is that you enjoy health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes of what you are doing and that it is different from what you are otherwise dealing with – it is not worse than creative.
What are your hobbies? Learn, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
Enjoyable activities
Here are ideas for health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes things that can be done, but it is ideal for creating your list that suits your interests and circumstances. The ideas are derived from a long list of pleasurable activities found in the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Handbook (HAM), which is available online.
. Listen to music
. Read a book
. Go out for a walk
. Watch an episode or a movie
. Help someone
. Playing cards/laying cables
. Go out cycling
. Go out for a run
. Do laundry
. Call someone
. Sing a song
. Playing an instrument
. Watch the sunset or sunrise
. Take photos
. Write to someone I care about
. Dance
. Shrink into a car ride
. Assemble or build models
. Repair something that is broken
. Clean the car
. Find a good lecture online
. Go for a beach trip.
Mental health
Good mental health is the basis of the quality of life and life satisfaction. Mental health is not just about being free of mental disorders. Still, health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes are a state where we feel good, can make full use of our talents, successfully cope with daily life tasks, and have constructive and enjoyable communication with the people around us.
It is essential to nurture your mental health by maintaining a balanced life – eating well, exercising daily and spending time outdoors, resting enough, and taking time to enjoy life with your loved ones.
By dedicating yourself to thinking positively about life and existence and systematically nurturing what strengthens mental health, you practice mental health.
The Mental Words 10
We are responsible for our health and well-being. This is not to say that we are to blame if we feel bad. But it is our responsibility to deal with the cause of distress, with others’ help if we need it, health and wellbeing experiences, and outcomes
. Think positive, it’s lighter.
. Take care of what you care about.
. Keep learning for as long as you live.
. Learn from your mistakes.
. Exercise daily; it relieves the puffin.
. Do not complicate your life unnecessarily.
. Try to understand and encourage others around you.
. Do not give up; success in life is a long run.
. Find and cultivate your talents.
. Set goals and make your dreams come true.
The Word of Life 14
. Use the breath
. Eat healthy food in the company of others
. Exercise daily
. Live in the spot
. Experience nature
. Forget it
. Remember to smile
. Discipline yourself
. Be present
. Stand by yourself
. Make yourself long for what you have
. Serve in humility
. Believe and trust
. Find yourself in others
Vitamin G
Psychiatry offers 30 servings of vitamin G in the 2021 drought; recommendations for improving mental health. Well-known Icelanders address and discuss important issues that can strengthen us and protect us from adversity.
Thoughts of thought
We tend to draw wrong conclusions based on minimal information about ourselves and the people around us, and we sometimes talk about errors of thought. Such errors of thought can cause us distress and Anxietyanxiety. The Handbook of Cognitive Behavior Therapy;
We see and understand things in black and white. Things are either good or bad. A performance that is not perfect is a failure.
Unfair generalizations
We take one event or event that we feel is wrong as proof that everything is impossible or lost.
Negative short-sightedness
We focus on one negative point or one side of an issue until it obscures our view of the big picture.
Write off the positive we write off a good performance or compliment, and we feel “nothing marks” such a thing. This is how we focus on the negative.
Quick conclusions
We interpret events, fill in the blanks, and conclude on reasonable grounds, usually without good sources.
Reading Quick conclusions based on what we think others are thinking and meaning without any solid reasoning.
Dire predictions
Another type of instant conclusion is to assume that things go badly and let even as they have been fulfilled;
Exaggeration and reduction
We tend to make more of our mistakes and shortcomings than there is reason to. At the same time, we are reducing our strengths.
Disaster thinking
With a combination of false predictions and exaggerations, we believe that the worst will happen, and things will only get worse.
Emotional arguments
We confuse our well-being with external facts. Example: If we feel guilty, we must be guilty.
Unfair comparison
We are unrealistic and unfair to ourselves. Often we focus our weaknesses on the strengths of others.
One mistake or even a moderate performance justifies us calling ourselves fools, fools, inadequate, useless, lazy, and so on.
We consider ourselves responsible for incidents or events that are beyond our control.
Unrealistic offers and bans
We value ourselves and our performance in the face of unrealistic bans and prohibitions. We set rules that we must follow.
Nature map
Health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. Outdoor life adds cheer and cheerfulness.
We are so fortunate to live close to nature no matter where we are. A good walk leads us down to the sea or water, peatlands or forests. During the walk, we can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy what we see.
It seems that a change of mind is taking place in the world, and we realize the strength we can draw from our environment and nature. Doctors now offer patients a nature calendar with ideas for exercise and nature experiences that treatment options and their colleagues in Canada prescribe for art museum visits. Japanese forest baths have also received increasing attention, but their spokespersons point to forests’ healing power and encourage forest trips to improve health and well-being.
In light of all this, we would like to offer you 10 ideas for each month of the year that you can use to strengthen your health and maintain a good balance.
Enjoy nature according to your abilities – Enjoy! health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
. Walk outside in the afternoon and enjoy the day getting longer. Those who are refreshed in the morning can drive out at dawn and listen to the birdsong.
. Look for migratory birds that are now coming to the country. Create a tiny reception or write down what days you find a new brand.
. Find outdoor groups. Ask friends or search the web for the one that suits you. Take it upon yourself to take a dog for a walk.
. Make a picture or sculpture on the beach from natural ingredients such as rocks, seaweed, or sand. Breathe in the fresh sea air.
. Play like an 8-year-old – make a dam or go to the old games.
. Find food algae beaches. Look for different types of algae and see how they can be used for food.
. Check to see if the girl has arrived. He likes to lean on poles with tights and head jerks and is tall.
. Create a balloon – use your imagination and creativity. Is it possible to enjoy the wind?
. Decide on a theme and make a series of pictures, for example, about the statues in the city/town or something else that interests you.
Recommended daily dose of nature
The opposite of sitting and staring at your phone for hours together is leaving home and enjoying nature. Many people know firsthand how relaxing it is to go down to the sea or water and stroll through the woods—looking at the sky and seeing clouds, looking at the mountains, or along the coastline.
An interesting theory is that we humans respond in a specific and positive way when we see shapes and patterns of nature, so-called fractals. The patterns are complex and based on repetition; examples can be seen in the plants in the picture to the right.
It seems natural for us to understand and recognize these forms immediately, and they are not as demanding as anything else that comes to mind in our daily lives. Research has shown that fractures seem to help people recover from stress.
What causes individuals in precisely the same situation to react in a completely different way? Let’s say that the flight of two travelers is canceled; one curse complains, and stomps his feet, while the other takes a deep breath but then begins to examine in a considered way how to get to his destination by other means. Although neither of them can influence the canceled flight, they can control how they assess the situation and how well they manage to resolve the issue. We all know stories of people who have gone through incredible hardship and suffering without giving up. It is often difficult to understand how this is possible.
Our well-being is determined, among other things, by the amount of stress in life and our ability to cope with it; our resilience, resilience, or resilience. We show perseverance if we have developed the ability to keep calm in times of difficulty and confusion, and we are quick to recover. Perseverance is also the ability to not dwell on past difficulties that prevent them from hurting us in the long-run health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. This quality seems to determine how we fare and how we generally deal with difficulties that are an inevitable part of life.
How we deal with stress depends on many factors, such as heredity, upbringing, and the community to which we belong. Growing up with loving and responsible people can help children develop resilience. They find it easier to control their emotions, calm themselves and form close relationships with others. Children living in chaos and unpredictable conditions are less likely to develop this ability but can still learn to become resilient individuals after growing up.
It may come as a surprise to some, but it is possible to strengthen and practice perseverance and increase the number of ways to cope better with situations. Among other things, stress can be effectively counteracted by inducing a relaxation response.) And it seems to work well to increase perseverance. Below are a few things that may help combat stress and training perseverance.
We constantly read about how bad stress is, but it also has positive aspects that can be useful to us in daily life:
. When you notice a faster heartbeat before giving a speech or going to a difficult meeting, it may be wise to realize that your body gives you more energy than you can use in the situation.
. If you feel stressed, why? Is it because you’re going to do something that matters to you, and you might be grateful to have the opportunity?
. Try to see the big picture. When you are stuck in traffic, think about why you are on the move. You are driving your child to exercise and your parents to the doctor because you care about them and their health.
. Instead of denying stress, you can consider whether it will benefit you by making you stronger and more resilient. Does it even help you to connect with people better and feel more alive?
If a pill could be made that did the same benefit as exercise, everyone would want to take it. Thirty minutes of brisk exercise during the day is significant for overall well-being and a key to stress relief. Exercise has a positive effect on blood pressure, mood, blood fats, bone strength, the immune system, and inflammation – to name a few. Walking, yoga, running, tai chi, qigong, swimming, cycling, and other activities evoke a relaxing response. By exercising regularly, we can counteract stress, and regular exercise also seems to reverse the damage that excessive stress has already caused. Whether you go for a walk or to the gym, it is good to be aware of yourself and your surroundings and focus on your breathing. If you are going to think of something negative and stressful, focus instead on the breathing and the movement itself – stay in the now.
Good nutrition
You can find a discussion about the importance of nutrition in more than one place, for example, here. Stress can affect appetite and eating habits, and chronic stress can cause the adrenal glands to release hormones that increase appetite. We often grab the fatty or sweet foods that provide a short-term solution but lead to more discomfort when getting up health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes Healthy food reduces mood swings, increases well-being, and promotes perseverance.
It is a well-being great way to eat food using mindfulness techniques. Do not have a radio or television on and focus on the food, its taste, and its texture. Lie on the table and get rid of unnecessary stuff from the table. Close your eyes for a moment and take a few deep breaths to concentrate on your meal. Look at the food and feel the aroma before you start tasting and chew slowly. This way you can better appreciate the taste and enjoy the meal. You may eat less, and you may choose better ingredients than if you sat in front of the TV or computer and ate without thinking. Important togetherness and family conversation at the dinner table will be much more enjoyable without outside interruption.
Social support
Social connections improve health, increase well-being and life expectancy. Friends, acquaintances, relatives, co-workers, and spouses weave around us a social network contributing to an increased quality of life health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. Here are some ways to strengthen social ties:
. Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative to make an appointment instead of waiting for them to call you.
. Search for people with similar interests by attending courses or meeting people online at responsible websites/groups.
. Remember that social support works in both directions, offer help to friends, relatives, or neighbors. And accept when people want to lend you a helping hand.
. Consider having a pet if you have the facilities and time to do so. Caring for and interacting with animals can have a positive effect on both body and soul;
. See if volunteering might be right for you and what’s available.
. If depression, low self-esteem, or social Anxietyanxiety is preventing you from forming relationships with others, it may be helpful to discuss the matter with your GP or other professionals.
Positive psychology
Positive psychology examines the factors that contribute to our well-being instead of focusing on what causes us unhappiness. She examines the recipe for “the good life” and evaluates, for example, the effect of optimism, humor, and even quirks on people’s reactions to stressful situations. Those who are optimistic find it easier to cope with such situations and try to make the best of them. They have a higher life expectancy than those who are pessimistic, but it seems that optimism can be a protection against heart disease.
That gratitude appears to help people to be positive, enjoy better health, build stronger relationships, and better cope with adversity and stress. It is a good idea to make it a rule to write a gratitude diary and write down three things that went well that day and why they went well.
Try to laugh as often as possible. Studies have shown that laughter strengthens the immune system and reduces the flow of stress hormones. Look at a funny picture, read a fun book, well-being, and try to enjoy the ridiculousness of everyday life.
Enjoy happy hours. Often we are so preoccupied with stress that we can barely enjoy the moment. Many people are familiar with having a dinner party with an overly ambitious menu and standing in the kitchen most of the evening. Christmas sometimes goes above and below the hosts due to stress and the hustle and bustle.
Take advantage of your inner strength. If you know your strengths and take advantage of them, you are more likely to gain more energy and achieve better results.
Do good deeds from time to time. Research shows that people well-being who help others are happier and live better lives.
Writing against stress
It can be a good idea to sit down to write when you have a lot on your mind and well-being deal with emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, pain, and sadness. James researcher studied two groups of people and got one group to write down their deepest thoughts and feelings about the most challenging event in life while the other wrote about everyday things. The groups wrote for 15 minutes daily for four days. After six months, the situation was taken, and the group that wrote about deep feelings was in a better position than the other, both mentally and physically. He had a more active immune system than the other for six weeks after the experiment. He concluded that by expressing accumulated emotions, stress was released, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tone.
But it is not enough to sit down to write once; it can add to the Anxietyanxiety and pain of reviewing difficult life experiences or problems. Continuing for a few days can help you through difficulties. In the event of a very serious or challenging event, it is best to seek professional help.
It’s not just good to write about what causes stress. It is also a good idea to write about positive things in your life that will bring you great joy. Think about how you felt when you reached your goal. Were you proud or excited? Could you find that joy again, if only for a fraction of it? Could the game be repeated?
It is essential to be able to express well-being clearly and no less to listen to others. There is a risk of misunderstanding in the workplace if communication goes awry, and inadequate communication can lead to stress. Listen to people’s views without judging or interfering. When expressing yourself, speak calmly and neutrally, indicating that you have accepted the interviewee’s views and then expressing your views on the matter. By doing so, you indicate that the views of both parties are essential.
Cognitive restructuring
Think about what went through your mind when you were last late for work. You got into a traffic jam but soon began to think that now you would be late for the meeting and your job might be in jeopardy. In some situations and social interactions, harmful and illogical thoughts arise; “I look so bad”, “I cannot do this”, “it’s all going wrong,” or “I’m not as good as the others”. And it’s easier said than done to drive out those involuntary thoughts that cause us stress health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes Here is a list of common misconceptions.
We often set very unrealistic goals. “I will never achieve my goal,” some say, but what is the goal, to become a professional footballer or to sing in the Metropolitan? It would be best to set more realistic goals that we can achieve and be proud of.
Following methods to reduce stress due to well-being thought errors and negative thoughts:
. Stop – when you feel a lot of stress, say “stop” and take a break.
. Breathe – Take a deep breath several times to reduce physical tension and take a step away from the stressor before reacting.
. Think – well-being ask yourself if your thoughts are well-founded. Did I draw the wrong conclusion? What proof do I have? Could I look at the situation differently? What is the worst thing that could happen? Are these thoughts helpful to me?
. Select – Decide how to respond to stress:
Find solutions that you can control. Gather information, make plans, and make progress.
Accept what you cannot change. Have compassion for yourself, seek out others, show emotion, and seek counsel.
Try to work on negative illogical thoughts. We are too worried about things that will never happen.
Next time, when you are stuck in a traffic jam, notice how stress affects your body. Try to relax and take a deep breath. Think, this is just a traffic jam, and there is no need to get upset. Do not expect to lose your job even if you arrive a few minutes late. The well-being you are doing the best you can, and you can handle this.
To be good to ourselves.
Sometimes we can be tough on ourselves, have trouble setting reasonable goals, and drive forward with a hard hand. Are you wrong to forgive yourself for mistakes or for not achieving a specific goal? Often we are much tougher on ourselves than we would be on others. How about showing more care and devotion; fortunately, you can learn to feed yourself health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes. Here are some tips:
Nourish your body.
Eat healthy food, lie down and rest well, go for a walk, get a massage. You are doing yourself a favor by working on your physical well-being.
Encourage yourself to continue. Think about what you would say to a good friend if he were in your situation. You would no doubt encourage him to continue showing compassion and understanding. Do the same for yourself.
Try to cultivate yourself by activating your creativity. Do something creative that tests different skills than you use daily. Do you enjoy writing, painting, designing, playing musical instruments, cooking, dancing, or building? Do you have a dream of writing a novel or studying piano?
It’s about making dreams come true in small steps, reading, practicing, or taking courses.
It is also possible to try the mindfulness method when doing everyday tasks and in daily communication. That will be much more well-being rewarding if you pay undivided attention to the actions and those you interact with.
Well-being finds a time. It can be challenging to set aside time for yourself to read, lie in the bath, lie down or meditate. Sometimes we also find it difficult to justify this free time for ourselves and others when the to-do list seems inexhaustible. We are used to always being “doing something”. Remember that by taking care of ourselves, we gain the energy to tackle the tasks and increase perseverance.
Do good deeds
The positive effects of helping others and doing good are known and do not always require much. Here are some examples:
. Praise someone for a job well done.
. Offer your seat on the bus.
. Pick up rubbish in your area.
. Make someone laugh.
. Take time to listen carefully to what someone is saying.
. Look at the traffic when you are driving.
. Let someone in front of you at the checkout counter.
. Offer help carrying a heavy bag to a car.
. Book a meeting with a friend/relative who seems lonely.
. Visit or write a line to a friend/relative at the hospital.
. Take care of children for friends so they can get away with it.
. Offer help to enter or move in the neighbor’s yard.
. Surprise by baking or cooking something good;
. Keep the door open for those with full hands.
. Help tourists who look wild.
. Swap seats for those traveling together, for example, by bus or plane.
Here are some additional suggestions:
. Hug your spouse (or other loved one) and thank them for their help and support.
. Stop by the ice cream parlor and buy ice cream for your teenager while reading for an exam.
. Surprise the family with a movie tour, pancakes, or a game night.
. Smile more and let others know that they matter to you.
. Send messages to good friends and relatives that you rarely see.
. Be friendly with the sales staff and thank you.
“Dear diary…”
Advantage of calendar writing:
Diaries are a great way to shape thoughts, have an overview, set goals, evaluate performance, document progress, express well-being, improve memory, look at the context of things, ignite ideas, solve problems, realize your strengths and practice gratitude. Diaries do not have to be a “dear diary” of youth; no specific rules apply to writing. Willpower is all that is needed.
Diaries can be personal, but they are also used as a form of treatment for medical purposes.
The traditional way is pen and paper; others prefer to blog, use electronic diaries that can be found online, sketch, take photos or draw mind maps. The main thing is to choose the style and shape that suits everyone and write something every day.
For some, three words on the phone are enough, while others spend many minutes writing a day and writing about everything that lives in their heart. By reading over your thoughts when you stop and reflect on them in one or two sentences, we stop wiser than when we started. It can be informative to read about long-ago events because the memory of a holiday may differ from what was written about during the well-being holiday.
Concerns about publication, criticism, writing skills, spelling, or language are unnecessary; the writing is meant for you, so write from the heart as no one else will read what you put down on the paper.
What to write about?
The first post could be about the reasons for your desire to write about health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.
Where are you / are you in life right now? It is possible to write about the values you live by, what makes you a good person, what makes you want to get up in the morning, the goals you want to achieve, turning points in life, experiences you did not want be without, something you are proud of, difficulties you are facing, forgiveness, loving memories, someone you miss or new habits.
The possibilities are endless: Happiness, well-being, emotions, well-being, dreams, and desires, communication, events, friendship, hobbies, strengths, recent compliments, favorite seasons, work, study or career, the environment and nature, someone who has inspired you or something that you wanted others to know about you. You can write about anything. When you are on the beach, you can also write about it.
You can use sentences that lead you forward:
. I’m worried about _____
. The best thing in my life right now is _____
. I have trouble falling asleep when _____
. The best way to spend your day is _____
. The fun thing about today was _____
. Three favorite _____ are?
. If I had three wishes _____
. If I were an animal, I would be _____ because _____
. After 6 months I’m going to finish ___
If you use photographs – what do you want to say to the people, places, or things in the pictures?
Diaries as a form of treatment
For those who have experienced very stressful events, therapeutic journal diaries can support recovery. The writings can benefit people after trauma, Anxietyanxiety, depression, grief, or loss and are used to find problematic health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes experience channel and gain a new vision with the help of professionals. The writings differ from traditional diary entries in three main respects:
. The writing is managed by a certified professional
. They are based on instructions.
. The writings revolve around the analysis of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
The diaries can be used for empowerment; they can help the individual feel in control of difficult situations. The benefits of consciously looking at oneself increase intuition and make it easier for individuals to trust their thoughts and experiences. Therapies can promote well-being personal development health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes
Diaries as a form of treatment are also used for memory training after brain trauma to shorten the memory pathway and reduce stress on the brain.
In the same way as traditional diary entries, you can use sentences that guide you forward:
. Why do I feel bad about _______
. Next time I get bored, I’m going to _______
. What disappointed me was _______
. I’m angry at _______
. What went well yesterday was _______
. What went wrong was _______
. What could I have done better?
. How can I prevent myself from making the same mistakes again?
. How could I have reacted differently?
. What strengths do I have?
. What makes me believe in myself?
It is a good idea to end diary writing on a positive note, for example, with a few words of gratitude, because negative writing can contribute to stress.
Wade and good luck; health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.